Congratulations to our 6th grade students who took their final walk through the hallways of the School Lane Elementary campus today! We are so proud of their growth throughout the time they have spent with us here. This year they really stepped up as leaders and made a positive impact in our school community through serving on their committees and participating in service learning projects. We cannot wait to see all that they accomplish in the future. Congratulations students! Enjoy your summer and best of luck in all your future endeavors! You can see more photos of our end of the year activities and celebrations here:
about 1 month ago, Sarah Bojda
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We have had a few exciting days at School Lane Charter School celebrating the end of another great school year. Here are some photos from our Tug of War and Field Day activities! K-2:, Grades 3-6:
about 1 month ago, Sarah Bojda
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The 6th grade students have been working hard on planning, designing, and building projects to try to protect an egg from being dropped from various heights. The first round of “The Egg Drop” is from a ladder, the second is from the roof of the school, and the third and final round is from the fire truck ladder! Many students created projects that survived all 3 rounds this year! Great job to everyone for all your effort, and a huge “Thank you” to the Bensalem Fire Department for their help with this exciting event! You can see more photos here:
about 2 months ago, Sarah Bojda
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Today 5th graders had the opportunity to Zoom with Meg Lowman! She is an arbornaut and scientist who explores treetop canopies and studies biodiversity all over the world. The students learned about her work in a text they read in ELA, The Most Beautiful Roof in the World. They then raised funds during their exhibition’s silent auction to donate to her Tree Foundation. Today they were able to ask her questions and hear more details about her mission to protect the Earth and learn all about new species.
about 2 months ago, Sarah Bojda
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Our 6th graders have been studying hunger and poverty as part of a unit on the development of societies in I&S. The students collected donations throughout the month of May to help local families struggling to feed their families as a community impact project. We partnered with two organizations – Caring for Friends and Harvest Ministries Food Pantry – which is just a block down the road from School Lane, who provided lists of items needed. Thank you to everyone from our school community who donated because today we were able to deliver all these items to the pantry right next to us and directly impact our local community!
about 2 months ago, Sarah Bojda
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We were thrilled that Mr. McGowan, a Civil War Reenactor, came to visit our 5th grade students again this year! He shared facts and examples of the clothing, artillery, food, and experiences of Civil War troops. Students were able to see the items to better understand what life was like for the soldiers during this time, and some even got to try them on! You can see more photos from the assembly here:
about 2 months ago, Sarah Bojda
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We held our 5th Grade DARE Graduation ceremony this morning and celebrated all of the students for their completion of the 10 week DARE program led by Detective Oliverio. We heard some of the fantastic DARE essays that the students wrote as their final assignment, and one student from each homeroom was recognized for consistently following the DARE decision making model. We are so proud of all of you! Great job DARE graduates and a big thank you to our guests from the community and Detective Oliverio. You can see more photos from the event here:
about 2 months ago, Sarah Bojda
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Last night we hosted a very exciting 5th Grade Saves the World Exhibition and raised a total of $822 to donate to the Tree Foundation! The students did a fantastic job sharing their environmental research, the prototypes they created in Design Technology to solve an environmental issue, and their rainforest narrative stories. Thank you to all who attended and participated in the silent auction of the beautiful nature silhouettes the students created in Art class to raise these funds and help us protect our Earth. Great job everyone! You can see more photos from the event here:
about 2 months ago, Sarah Bojda
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The 6th graders had an awesome time at the Maryland Science Center and the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, MD on their field trip yesterday. They attended a planetarium show about the changing skies during each season and they were able to explore all the different exhibits in the Science Center. Afterwards, they enjoyed a picnic lunch and the beautiful weather. It was a great day! Thank you to all the chaperones! You can see more photos here and chaperones, please add photos to the album:
2 months ago, Sarah Bojda
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We will be arriving back at SLCS in 15 minutes!
2 months ago, Sarah Bojda
In culmination of their studies in spelling and foundational English skills, SLCS sixth graders recently participated in several rounds of the Sixth Grade Spelling Bee. Yesterday afternoon the finalists from each homeroom were supported by their classmates as they were challenged with Scripps National Spelling Bee’s “Words of the Champions” in the last round of the Spelling Bee. Congratulations to all of our participants who showed off their spelling prowess!
2 months ago, Sarah Bojda
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The SLCS beginner band showcased their talent and hard work tonight at the spring concert. Great work everyone!
2 months ago, Mandy Milich
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Band Concert
Band Concert
Congratulations to the SLCS elementary drama club for an outstanding performance of Alice in Wonderland tonight! The cast, stage crew, and supervisors all did a fantastic job. Thank you for a great show!
3 months ago, Sarah Bojda
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Good morning, we are looking forward to our second grade field trip today. Reminder that if you are volunteering, please park in the carline loop and sign in with Dr. Ridgley by the doors. Thank you!
3 months ago, Christy Ridgley
To celebrate National Poetry Month the 6th grade students wrote some fun and creative poems during Advisory. We hosted a poetry café yesterday afternoon where they were able to present some of the poems to their peers, teachers, and family members who were able to attend. The student did a great job stepping up to the mic! You can see more photos from the event here:
3 months ago, Sarah Bojda
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Please see the link below for our end of the year ABC count down that will start Thursday, May 9th!
3 months ago, Mandy Milich
The 4th grade students did a phenomenal job recruiting for their trade at the Colonial Job Fair Exhibition! The students presented facts about the trade, the qualifications you would need to be successful, required skills, and the various responsibilities of the job. Some students even dressed the part! The audience then had an opportunity to fill out an application for their job choice. You can see more photos and fill out an application if you didn't get a chance to at the event using the QR code.
3 months ago, Sarah Bojda
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The 6th graders had an assembly this afternoon with Ms. Weber, the IB Campus Principal, and Ms. Rubel, the I&S teacher. The students learned more about International Baccalaureate and how exciting it is to be part of a global educational program. They also discussed how asking great questions leads to great learning.
4 months ago, Sarah Bojda
The 4th grade visited Pennsbury Manor on Friday. They are currently learning about Colonial America and during this field trip they were able to see historical reenactments and hear stories about what life was like during this time period. It was cold, but they still had a great time! You can see more pictures here:
4 months ago, Sarah Bojda
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6th grade students had the opportunity to ask local officials from Bensalem and Senator Farry’s office about efforts to increase sustainability in our community. They learned how our township is exploring geothermal energy, ways to reduce pollutants from reaching streams and waterways, and efforts to make our area a nice place to live through the many community outreach programs. Students will use this knowledge when completing a group project about a sustainable city and have to make decisions on energy sources, green spaces, waste management, and more.
4 months ago, Sarah Bojda
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