8th Grade Assembly. Awards given out to students who showed excellence in Learner Profile traits. Our wonderful Clarinet and Flute Ensembles also performed for the assemblies.
about 1 month ago, Colette Weber
8th Grade
7th Grade End of Year Assembly. Students here have an award for exhibiting excellence in the IB Learner Profile Traits which we highlighted this year. This year we focused on being Principled, Balanced, Risk-Taking and Communication.
about 1 month ago, Colette Weber
7th Grade
Our IB Theatre Arts Class had a wonderful show today where students showcased their acting skills and costume designs in the Gym performing the play "Haunted Houses" by Kathryn Schultz Miller. Their hard work over the past few months preparing for the show really shined.
about 2 months ago, Ron Kustrup
Theatre Arts
Theatre Arts
I am excited to share the 2023-2024 publication of our Literary Arts Magazine, "The Lion Letters!" The staff worked hard this year to create our 2nd publication. The first ever Literary Arts magazine was created last year by Billy Clegg and Deanna Awad as part of their CAS project, so please be sure to congratulate them! The staff will look forward to carrying on their legacy after they graduate this year! Please enjoy:) https://www.canva.com/design/DAGEGftAYgI/kG-cB6FJuD42D-a6IZtRzQ/edit?utm_content=DAGEGftAYgI&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
about 2 months ago, Colette Weber
The grade 9 students had a great field trip at Tree Trails with team building while ziplining and climbing through obstacle courses high up in the trees, working together to help each other find their courage and build collaboration skills.
about 2 months ago, Ron Kustrup
Tree Trails Climbing
Grade 9
Obstacle Courses
A Variety of Trails
The IB Spring Concert Around the World in 80 Days was a great success! The Concert Band and Chorus gave performances that took the packed audience on an adventure with music from all around the world.
about 2 months ago, Ron Kustrup
Band & Audience
Chorus & Band
Chorus & Concert Band
7th and 8th Grade students had a fantastic time at the Spring Formal. SGA organized this event with a red carpet theme. Thank you to all the chaperones and to SGA for all the work they put into this event.
about 2 months ago, Colette Weber
MS Formal
Middle School Formal
Students Pursue Their Passions in Art and Engineering https://secure.smore.com/n/4nt5p
about 2 months ago, Colette Weber
IB Diploma Opens Doors to Medicine and Business https://secure.smore.com/n/ehtka
about 2 months ago, Colette Weber
Temple School of Medicine
Our Grade 9 students had a fantastic Gr 9 Summative Exhibition that followed a fun activity afternoon. The afternoon was filled with games, sports, and karaoke to give students some time to socialize before an academic evening where they presented their summatives from I&S, Math, and Bio. Students proudly showcased their impressive work to visiting parents. The event was a great success, highlighting the creativity and dedication of our students. Thank you to everyone who attended and supported our young learners!
2 months ago, Ron Kustrup
I&S Summatives
Activity Afternoon 1
Math Summative
Activity Afternoon Sports
The SLCS IB Concert Band & Chorus proudly presents the Spring Concert: Around the World in 80 Days, which will be held in the Elementary Campus Gym on Wednesday, May 22nd from 6:30 - 7:30 PM. Join us for an unforgettable musical journey around the world!
2 months ago, Ron Kustrup
IB Spring Concert
The SLCS IB Concert Band & Chorus proudly presents the Spring Concert: Around the World in 80 Days, which will be held in the Elementary Campus Gym on Wednesday, May 22nd from 6:30 - 7:30 PM. Join us for an unforgettable musical journey around the world!
3 months ago, Ron Kustrup
Spring Concert
Seniors Enter Programs Leading to Lifelong Job Security in the Trades Williamson College of the Trades Offers Mohamed Kamara a Free College Education Mohamed Kamara will leave Williamson College of the Trades with no debt and a 98% chance of being placed in a job. Mohamed will enter the Machine Tool Technology program on his way to an Associate in Specialized Technology Degree and a lifetime of job opportunities. Demand for skilled workers has never been so high. Students from Williamson are hired by a wide range of companies, including Lockheed Martin, Siemens AG, West Pharmaceutical, Jansson Biotech, Einstein Medical Center and Eaton Aerospace. Brianna Belvin Will Graduate From Pennco Tech as a Licensed Medical Assistant in Four Months Brianna talked with representatives from Pennco Tech during School Lane’s annual College and Career Day and the next day they called her for an interview. Brianna was accepted into the Medical Assistance program the same day as her interview. When Brianna heard about the program and how much money she could make once graduated, she said, “It made a fire burn in me.” In just four months, Brianna will be able to enter the healthcare industry. Employment for Medical Assistants is projected to grow 29% over the next ten years. The high quality of the training allows graduates to use it as a jumping off place for many additional opportunities. Some of the daily duties of a medical assistant include, interacting with patients, using medical devices, performing vital signs and EKGs, scheduling appointments and assisting providers.” Brianna’s pediatrician has already offered her a job once she completes the program.
3 months ago, Colette Weber
Class of 2024
Today was the IB Campus' second Culture Day. The rich diversity of our community was celebrated through food, dress, presentations, dances and a fashion show showcasing authentic dress. It was a beautiful thing to see our young people so proud of their backgrounds and so willing to learn about each other's lives. Thank you to everyone who helped organize the day. Thank you to the parents! The desserts surpassed last year's feast which is no small thing!
3 months ago, Colette Weber
Culture Day
Culture Day
Culture Day
Fashion Show
Culture Day
IB Diploma Program Opens Doors for the Class of 2024. Fedora Cherelus was awarded $84,000 in financial aid per year to attend the prestigious Franklin and Marshall College. Parth Patel was awarded the Presidential Scholarship for the University of Southern California. Read their stories in this week's newsletter. https://www.smore.com/n/91d0h
3 months ago, Colette Weber
Class of 2024
We have two dates for the grand planting of School Lane's Pollinator Garden. Students, staff and all community members are welcome to join us on Tuesday April 30 and Tuesday May 7 after school. We will need many pairs of hands for this venture. Thank you to our partners Friends of Poquessing Watershed and Bucks County Conservation District.
4 months ago, Colette Weber
Pollinator Garden
7th Grade celebrated each other's work during today's Poetry Cafe in Language and Literature. It is wonderful to see our students growing in confidence as they share their writing.
4 months ago, Colette Weber
Poetry Cafe
Poetry Cafe
Poetry Cafe
Poetry Cafe
During last night's Art Exhibition, we enjoyed performances in music and song. The growing school Choir sang beautifully. We are so excited to this program grow. Students also showcased their talent in multiple ensembles.
4 months ago, Colette Weber
IB Campus Choir
IB Campus Choir
Clarinet Ensembles
Last night the IB Campus showcased fantastic student art work. Students shared Visual Art in multiple forms including 3D Art and Graphic Design . IB Diploma Program students are required to curate an exhibition of their work including a statement of purpose and rationale for the work. The craftmanship of the work was outstanding last night.
4 months ago, Colette Weber
Live Painting
IB Diploma Program Art
IB Diploma Program Art
Art Show
Art Show
Today our new music teacher Julia Bokunewicz brought her "Barbershop Quartet" to the IB Campus. Students enjoyed several songs all sung in the Barbershop tradition. Julia shared some of the history behind the genre. We are excited to see how the IB Campus Chorus grows with Julia at the helm!
4 months ago, Colette Weber
Barbershop Quartet