59 Days Until Students Return! During this first week of summer break, Leadership Teams from both of our campuses worked together to reflect on the past school year and set plans in motion for a successful 2023-2024 school year. Stay tuned to our website and social media feeds throughout the summer as we count down to the new school year by highlighting those that play a vital role behind the scenes to keep our school running so efficiently!
10 months ago, Jim Munizza
Congratualtions to the Class of 2023!
11 months ago, Jim Munizza
SLCS kicked off Senior Week with our annual "Senior Strut" through the halls of the Elementary Campus! Our Elementary students were thrilled to congratulate and cheer on the Class of 2023 as our Seniors reminisced about their days at the Bristol Pike Campus.
11 months ago, Jim Munizza
Senior Strut
Senior Strut
Senior Strut
Senior Strut
What a captivating evening last night at School Lane Charter School's annual Middle School Spring Exhibition! Our students showcased their academic prowess, presenting chosen summative projects to a packed audience of supportive families. These presentations, spanning from engaging science experiments to profound literary analyses, demonstrated our students' commitment and passion for learning. We are grateful for our School Lane community's support in celebrating these remarkable achievements.
12 months ago, Ron Kustrup
Middle School Spring Exhibition
Middle School Spring Exhibition
Middle School Spring Exhibition
Middle School Spring Exhibition
We are excited to announce our upcoming Spring Concert, a night of music and celebration, taking place at our Elementary Campus on May 24th, from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM! We invite you all to join us for an evening of outstanding performances that showcase the incredible talent and dedication of our students and staff. This year, our students have been working tirelessly under the guidance of Ms. Morishita and Mr. Cabrera to bring you a fantastic concert experience that reflects the values and spirit of our International Baccalaureate (IB) program. Our students have been practicing and perfecting their skills to present you with a delightful range of musical selections that will leave you in awe. The Spring Concert will feature the harmonious sounds of the SLCS Concert Band, led by the inspiring Ms. Morishita. You will be captivated by their beautiful melodies and the impressive teamwork of our students. In addition, prepare to be dazzled by the foot-tapping rhythms of the SLCS Jazz Band, brought to life under the expert direction of Mr. Cabrera. Their vibrant and engaging performances are sure to keep you entertained and tapping your toes throughout the evening. We are incredibly proud of the hard work and dedication displayed by our students and staff, who have come together to make this concert an unforgettable experience. This event is not only a celebration of their talents but also an opportunity for our school community to come together and appreciate the magic of music. Don't miss this wonderful opportunity to support our young musicians and enjoy an evening filled with exceptional performances. The Spring Concert is a testament to the creative and collaborative spirit of School Lane Charter School, and we can't wait to share it with you!
12 months ago, Jim Munizza
Spring Concert
Entrepreneurial Mindset students host a Mother's Day Sale with products they designed and created themselves. This class takes students through the design process helping them think about audience, product, marketing and sales.
12 months ago, Colette Weber
Mother's Day Sale
Mother's Day Sale
Mother's Day Sale
More from Culture Day! These students shared their cultures through dance, music, clothes and presentations. Pictured here are some of the leaders of this day. We are very proud of you.
about 1 year ago, Colette Weber
Culture Day
Culture Day
8th Grade at Culture Day
about 1 year ago, Colette Weber
8th Grade at Culture Day
School Lane IB Campus Culture Day Organized by Middle School SGA!
about 1 year ago, Colette Weber
Culture Day
culture Day
Culture Day
Ninth Grade Algebra students gather data using ping pong ball launchers and stopwatches to measure the speed of multiple launcher designs. Students made predictions based on their calculations before going outside and then took the data back in to compare and evaluate.
about 1 year ago, Colette Weber
Students gather data using ping pong ball launchers.
Ninth Grade Algebra Gather Data
7th grade Advisory Groups were asked to prepare a presentation on the IB Learner Profile characteristic of Caring. They shared their work during this 7th grade town hall gathering. We asked students to think about what it means to be a caring School Lane student day-to-day.
about 1 year ago, Colette Weber
Caring Presentation
Caring Presentation
Caring Presentation
These 7th grade students were nominated by their peers for being caring. Caring is one of the characteristics in the IB Learner Profile.
about 1 year ago, Colette Weber
Students Nominated for Caring
Hello School Lane Community, April and May are the months of testing in education! Students are getting ready to sit for PSSAs, Keystones and IB exams. Teachers are busy preparing students. Throughout the year, our students have been taking STAR 360 tests in Math and Language and Literature. We have been working with teachers to use the data which comes out of these tests to inform instruction. I am proud to announce we have seen significant growth in both subject areas across the grade levels. We will continue to use this data to set goals for our students. Over time, we want to help students create their own goals based on these scores and the teacher feedback they get on their assignments based on the IB Rubrics. On April 27 the 9th and 10th grade student leadership group is hosting a movie afternoon. There is still time to sign up for this event. On April 28 Middle School SGA is hosting a Culture Day. We are asking families to donate desserts so we can all appreciate the wonderful diversity of the School Lane Community. Please use this Sign Up Genius form to tell us what you are able to donate! I am promising to bring a Bakewell Tart, a British institution in itself! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C094FAAAC23A5FCC16-desserts Over the next few weeks, grades 7-10 will be preparing for a grade level assembly. We have asked Advisor Groups to spend time reflecting on a characteristic of the IB Learner Profile and to prepare something to share in the assembly. We wish all of our students good luck as they go through the testing these next few weeks. We are very proud of what they have accomplished this year. Sincerely, Colette Weber Principal, IB Campus.
about 1 year ago, Colette Weber
Please join us for the 2023 IB Campus Art Exhibition on Tuesday, April 4th from 6:30 through 8:00 PM. The event will take place in both the 3340 and 3350 buildings at our IB Campus. Come see art from our DP students as well as other types of creativity being exhibited including live painting, musical performances, as well as presentations from our Theory of Knowledge courses and students! Design and artwork from students in Grades 7 through 12 will also be on display.
about 1 year ago, Jim Munizza
Our Personal Finance students went on a walking field trip to the bank across Tillman Drive.
about 1 year ago, Colette Weber
Personal Finance Class goes on Field Trip
The Personal Project Exhibition was fantastic last night! Congratulations to the 10th Grade. Projects included writing books, developing an operating system, building a computer, creating cosmetic products, building a chicken coup, writing a recipe book and so much more. We are very proud of our students. Thank you to all the many families who attended!
about 1 year ago, Colette Weber
Personal Project
On Monday March 6, the 10th grade student leadership team worked with Advisory groups to put on a 10th grade Student Run Assembly. Students shared their talents by playing the drums, singing, doing the shuffle, reading a short story and sharing hobbies. At School Lane we have lots of opportunities for students to shape their own experience. Congrats 10th Grade- you set the standard!
about 1 year ago, Colette Weber
10th Grade Assembly
10th Grade Assembly
10th Grade Assembly
Skate Night Grades 11 and 12! They're having a great time!
about 1 year ago, Katherine Hewitt
Skate Night
skate night
Report Card Conferences are Thursday evening March 9 and Friday all day March 10. Use the link below to sign up for a time to conference with your child about the report card followed by opportunities to meet with teachers. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C094FAAAC23A5FCC16-report
about 1 year ago, Colette Weber
Ninth grade students bring Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet to life! Today the whole grade performed for each other after two weeks of preparation. Congratulations to all of you.
about 1 year ago, Colette Weber
Romeo and Juliet
Ninth grade perform Shakespeare
Shakespeare brought to life