IB Campus FAQ

What is an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School?

Being an IB World school means that SLCS has been authorized & continually reviewed by the IB organization to be one of over 5000 schools world-wide that deliver the IB programs to students to help create a better and more peaceful world through cultural understanding and respect.  IB provides a framework that is flexible to allow SLCS to tailor an education that is aligned to PA standards but incorporates the research of teaching and learning best practices from around the world.  And IB education aims to uncover and develop the best in every child.  With this solid foundation, the IB produces students with transferable, future ready skills and internationally recognized education.  It prepares citizens of tomorrow, who are ready to step up to be leaders and contribute to their world.

What does it mean to be an inquiry-based school?

Students as learners and knowers are the center of inquiry-based instruction.  Instruction requires students to engage in investigating, questioning, predicting, forming hypotheses, applying knowledge in new ways, analyzing, evaluating and drawing conclusions.

What is the IB Learner Profile?

The International Baccalaureate (IB) learner profile describes a broad range of human capacities and responsibilities that go beyond academic success. They imply a commitment to help all members of the school community learn to respect themselves, others and the world around them. The profile aims to develop learners who are: inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced, reflective. 

How do the IB MYP and DP programs prepare students for the real world?

Students in both programs become active, lifelong learners, internationally minded, able to empathize with others, have the intellect and skills to pursue lives of purpose and meaning.

How is the IB Middle Years Program (grades 7-10) different from other middle and high school programs?

The IB MYP is a challenging framework that encourages students to make practical connections between their studies and the real world. While the state recognizes all our classes as academically rigorous, the MYP is inclusive by design; students of all interests and academic abilities can benefit from their participation. Students are held to a high level of work through rubrics, individualized feedback and opportunities for revision. All 10th graders complete the Personal Project.

What is the Personal Project?

MYP students in their final year explore an area of personal interest over an extended period. It provides them the opportunity to consolidate their learning and develop important skills they’ll need in both further education and life beyond the classroom. It also helps them develop confidence to become principled, lifelong learners.

Who takes the IB Diploma Program (grades 11-12)?

IB diploma program classes are open to 11th and 12th grade students.  All 11th and 12th grade students take either Standard or Higher Level IB Language and Literature. Some students choose to take the full IB diploma program which means they enroll in 6 IB classes. Other students take IB classes in some subject areas and not others. 

What are the benefits to taking the IB Diploma Program (grades 11-12)?

The IB Diploma Program is an internationally recognized, academically rigorous program of study.  Universities locally and around the world value the IB’s high level academics and the emphasis on service and creativity. A requirement of the diploma program is to write a college level 4000 word research paper on a subject chosen by the student.  This type of independent work has shown to be excellent preparation for college level work in all disciplines. A central part of the IB diploma program is the course Theory of Knowledge.  Here students examine the nature of knowledge in different subject areas, how we gain and communicate knowledge, how knowledge develops and changes and the societal and ethical implications of who has access to all forms of knowledge. This type of thinking is becoming increasingly required at the college level.

Does the IB program prepare students to be successful on the PSSAs, Keystones and SATs?

All curriculum, unit plans and lesson plans are aligned to Pennsylvania State Standards. Students take STAR assessments in English and Math at least three times a year. Data from these tests is analyzed and used to inform instruction. Students are exposed to the type of questions on these tests throughout the year; preparation for these questions is embedded in the teaching of the class. 

Can students participate in sports and activities at other schools while they are enrolled at the IB Campus?

Yes, School Lane students can participate in sports teams at the high schools in their sending school districts.  SLCS students are excused from classes but are expected to make up any work missed when leaving for a sports function, no different from when students leave early from the school district or SLCS for a sporting event.  SLCS students have played in a variety of sports in Bensalem Township, Bristol Township, Morrisville, Bristol Borough and Philadelphia school districts.

Do you offer dual enrollment programs?

12th grade students have the opportunity to take classes as dual enrollment at Bucks County Community College.  SLCS pays the tuition cost for the courses at BCCC.

What are Exhibitions?

Exhibitions are a central part of education at the IB Campus.  Students are required to present their work to other students, family members and the wider community.  Our emphasis is on students explaining their own learning, reflecting and teaching others what they have learned.