We are excited to announce that School Lane's IB Campus will be hosting its first Talent Show Competition this year on Friday, May 12th, 2023! 7th through 12th-grade students from our IB Campus will showcase their talents for a chance to win a prize. The show will start at 6:30 and end around 8:30. It will be held in the K-6 Elementary School Cafeteria. We invite SLCS families to come and support our school community and enjoy a night of fun and surprises! This event is also a fundraiser! Please make sure that you, your student, and your other guests bring in at least 1 canned food (non-perishable goods) as your "admission ticket" for the event on May 12th. This is how all audience members will be given entry into the event so please do not forget your canned goods! All canned foods will be donated to the charity, "Caring For Friends" to help people in need! Thank you all and we hope to see you there!
about 1 year ago, Jim Munizza
Ninth grade students present their work in Language and Literature and in Algebra.
about 1 year ago, Colette Weber
9th Grade Exhibition
9th Grade Exhibition
More from Culture Day! These students shared their cultures through dance, music, clothes and presentations. Pictured here are some of the leaders of this day. We are very proud of you.
about 1 year ago, Colette Weber
Culture Day
Culture Day
8th Grade Celebrate Culture Day Middle School SGA leaders planned this amazing day.
about 1 year ago, Colette Weber
Culture Day
Culture Day at the IB Campus! Organized by Middle School SGA.
about 1 year ago, Colette Weber
culture Day
Culture Day
Ninth Grade Algebra students gather data using ping pong ball launchers and stopwatches to measure the speed of multiple launcher designs. Students made predictions based on their calculations before going outside and then took the data back in to compare and evaluate.
about 1 year ago, Colette Weber
Students gather data using ping pong ball launchers.
Ninth Grade Algebra Gather Data
As part of Teacher Appreciation Week (May 1-5) , we want to give everyone in our school community the chance to express their gratitude to our phenomenal teaching staff. Feel free to choose your child's current teachers or previous teachers to leave them a kind note. You may revisit this form multiple times to send a message to more than one person. All notes will be compiled and shared with teachers next week. Please help us let them know just how much they are appreciated! This form will close at noon on Monday, May 1, 2023. https://forms.gle/aJ9qUShBXyoGLdir9
over 1 year ago, Christy Ridgley
thank a teacher
7th grade Advisory Groups were asked to prepare a presentation on the IB Learner Profile characteristic of Caring. They shared their work during this 7th grade town hall gathering. We asked students to think about what it means to be a caring School Lane student day-to-day.
over 1 year ago, Colette Weber
Caring Presentation
Caring Presentation
Caring Presentation
These 7th grade students were nominated by their peers for being caring. Caring is one of the characteristics in the IB Learner Profile.
over 1 year ago, Colette Weber
Students Nominated for Caring
Hello School Lane Community, April and May are the months of testing in education! Students are getting ready to sit for PSSAs, Keystones and IB exams. Teachers are busy preparing students. Throughout the year, our students have been taking STAR 360 tests in Math and Language and Literature. We have been working with teachers to use the data which comes out of these tests to inform instruction. I am proud to announce we have seen significant growth in both subject areas across the grade levels. We will continue to use this data to set goals for our students. Over time, we want to help students create their own goals based on these scores and the teacher feedback they get on their assignments based on the IB Rubrics. On April 27 the 9th and 10th grade student leadership group is hosting a movie afternoon. There is still time to sign up for this event. On April 28 Middle School SGA is hosting a Culture Day. We are asking families to donate desserts so we can all appreciate the wonderful diversity of the School Lane Community. Please use this Sign Up Genius form to tell us what you are able to donate! I am promising to bring a Bakewell Tart, a British institution in itself! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C094FAAAC23A5FCC16-desserts Over the next few weeks, grades 7-10 will be preparing for a grade level assembly. We have asked Advisor Groups to spend time reflecting on a characteristic of the IB Learner Profile and to prepare something to share in the assembly. We wish all of our students good luck as they go through the testing these next few weeks. We are very proud of what they have accomplished this year. Sincerely, Colette Weber Principal, IB Campus.
over 1 year ago, Colette Weber
Please join us for the 2023 IB Campus Art Exhibition on Tuesday, April 4th from 6:30 through 8:00 PM. The event will take place in both the 3340 and 3350 buildings at our IB Campus. Come see art from our DP students as well as other types of creativity being exhibited including live painting, musical performances, as well as presentations from our Theory of Knowledge courses and students! Design and artwork from students in Grades 7 through 12 will also be on display.
over 1 year ago, Jim Munizza
Our Personal Finance students went on a walking field trip to the bank across Tillman Drive.
over 1 year ago, Colette Weber
Personal Finance Class goes on Field Trip
College and Career Day today! Over 60 guests from colleges and careers with our students.
over 1 year ago, Colette Weber
College and Career Day
9th Grade Assembly on Monday March 13. Students shared their talents in this student-led experience. The 9th grade student leadership group organized the event.
over 1 year ago, Colette Weber
9th Grade Assembly
The Personal Project Exhibition was fantastic last night! Congratulations to the 10th Grade. Projects included writing books, developing an operating system, building a computer, creating cosmetic products, building a chicken coup, writing a recipe book and so much more. We are very proud of our students. Thank you to all the many families who attended!
over 1 year ago, Colette Weber
Personal Project
Personal Project
Personal Project
Our MYP Personal Project Exhibition takes place one week from today- Tuesday, March 14th from 6:30-7:30 pm at the IB Campus (3350 Tillman Drive). The Personal Project is the β€œcapstone” project in the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP), with students choosing to explore an interest of their own, working through the process of creation, and then finishing with a final product. The Grade 10 students have been working on this over the last seven months and are excited to celebrate and share their learning journey with you through a presentation to families and community in a museum-walk format. Here are a few highlights from last year!
over 1 year ago, Jim Munizza
Bensalem Bus 20 has just arrived. The students are on their way home. Thank you for your patience.
over 1 year ago, Christy Ridgley
Students experience the physical side of acting today with more scenes from Romeo and Juliet.
over 1 year ago, Colette Weber
Romeo and Juliet Scenes
More Romeo and Juliet Scenes
πŸ¦…πŸˆ Get ready Eagles fans! πŸˆπŸ¦… The School Lane Charter School community came together for an electrifying pep rally in support of our Super Bowl-bound Eagles! πŸ’ͺ We kicked off the festivities with a dress down day, showing our team spirit in full force! πŸŽ‰ Our dance cheer team showcased their moves, pumping up the crowd and getting everyone ready for the big game! πŸ’ƒ The energy was high as we sang our favorite Eagles songs and cheered on our team. And, to top it off, we heard inspiring presentations on perseverance, reminding us all that anything is possible with hard work and determination. πŸ’ͺ Let's go Eagles! πŸ¦… #FlyEaglesFly #SchoolLaneCharterSchool #SuperBowlBound
over 1 year ago, Ron Kustrup
Teacher vs Student Flip Game
Dance Cheer Team
IB Campus
Winter Band Concert

Our middle school and high school students held an amazing winter concert celebrating the art of music. Led by Mr. Cabrera, the jazz band played Blue Bossa, with Corey Apelt on the trumpet and Brandon Ngo performing an extraordinary jazz solo on the piano. Kirandeep Kaur and Alicia Thomas performed an astonishing duet with exceptional drumming skills by Vanessa Kamara as the band played Mr. P.C. With a few months of preparation, the outstanding Orchestra Ensemble played afterward, led by the marvelous Ms. Morishita with breathtaking performances of Above and Beyond, Jurassic Park, and Tambora.

I (Mohamad Kamara) conducted an interview with a band member, Alicia Thomas to learn more about how they got ready for this challenging event. Her response was, "To get ready for the concert, we practiced during many APP periods in the middle school music room. "

If you weren't able to see this magnificent concert, don’t worry, there will be many more in the future. For updates and upcoming events in the future, check the School Lane Charter School Instagram, Facebook, and website page.

Written by: Mohamed Kamara Photography taken by: Akshar Parmar
over 1 year ago, Ron Kustrup
Band Concert